Patient with Meniere's Disease & Tinnitus

How Meniere’s Disease & Tinnitus Relate to One of the Most Unpredictable Types of Hearing Loss

Tinnitus in patients with Meniere’s disease is initially described as “roaring,” low-pitch, and unilateral, which correlates to low-frequency sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). 

Tinnitus typically progresses in loudness over time because of the simultaneous progression of hearing loss. The cause of tinnitus is a complex issue and can have multiple factors that lead to the presentation of tinnitus.

Due to the excitatory effect of Meniere’s disease, some patients have reported a decrease in tinnitus severity after sympathectomy of the cochlear nerve.

This characteristic is different than the more commonly hypothesized neurophysiological model where a decrease in sensory input may lead to an increase in tinnitus severity.

Hearing Loss Tinnitus & Vertigo

Meniere’s disease presents unique challenges to the individual with tinnitus. The quality, pitch, and frequency of their tinnitus is markedly different than someone who has tinnitus as a result of cochlear damage.

To find out more about Meniere’s disease, check out

Dr. Ben Thompson, Au.D.

Dr. Ben Thompson, Au.D.

Dr. Ben Thompson is an audiologist in California and founder of Pure Tinnitus. Dr. Thompson has a comprehensive knowledge of tinnitus management. He completed his residency at University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) and is a past board member of the California Academy of Audiology. Via telehealth, Dr. Thompson provides services to patients with hearing loss and tinnitus.

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